But, I am a purist. I like fish that are wild-types. I don't
really care for aquarium strains which have been selectively
bred for certain characteristics. Likewise, I don't really
care for genetically modified fish.
But, if somebody likes them, then more power to them. I am not
about to tell anybody not to buy them, if these fish are what
it takes to get someone to start out in this hobby.
ps: Folks, could you PUHLEEZ format your messages into
narrower lines and shorter paragraphs? If your messages are long,
unformatted and difficult to read, I am not going to read them.
--- Moontanman_at_aol.com wrote:
> Sajjad, do you really think that genetically engineered fish are a
> real
> danger? Humans have been genetically engineering animals for
> millennia this is no
> different. Just a more direct, quick, and eventually more cost
> effective way to
> do what we humans have been doing for a very long time. Now
> genetically
> engineered bacteria probably could be a serious risk and should be
> closely
> monitored. but I don't really think fish pose such a risk at any
> level.
-- Sajjad Lateef e-mail: sajjad_at_acm.org Note: Any e-mail to me with my first name in Subject or without a subject line is automatically filtered out and discarded as s p a m . /----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /"Unless stated otherwise, comments made on this list do not necessarily / reflect the beliefs or goals of the North American Native Fishes / Association" / This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes Association / nanfa_at_aquaria.net. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get help, send the word / subscribe, unsubscribe, or help in the body (not subject) of an email to / nanfa-request_at_aquaria.net. For a digest version, send the command to / nanfa-digest-request_at_aquaria.net instead. / For more information about NANFA, visit our web page, http://www.nanfa.org