Your intentions are more clear to me now as well.
Those are good points, the masses are attracted to
novelty, and so a project involving restoration to a
readily accessible place of interest does gather
steam; Especially if it actually is successful.
(Cleveland is a very proud city, and a success story
there will probably be as well received as anywhere)
Upon reading my initial post, I see that attention to
detail was fogged by my enthusiasm for reiterating
Ray's point. If anyone needs more details, they can
contact.......Greg Lipps. hehe j/k
As far as boiling blood, it is good to know there are
people willing to voice an opinion about conservation.
Even a heated disagreement can be constructive if
enough people pay attention. I hope that any feathers
ruffled in return are taken as a request for
information, not an attempt of personal insult.
Let's all be thankful that the people with the power
to change env. policy have completely assessed the
situation, and we should fear not;
"I know the human being and fish can coexist
G.W. Bush
--Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
Sorry if that joke's been used, I'm new to the group.
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