I recommend you get in touch with Charlie Nunziata down Tampa way.
You'll find him at: epiplaty_at_tampabay.rr.com - Phone 727/393-3757
Charlie helped me several times with specific Florida collecting locations,
plus aimed me at several other native fishes enthusiasts who were a great
You might also try ichthyologist Gray Bass (that's his proper name, honest...)
at the Blackwater Fisheries Research & Development Center, Holt FL up on
the panhandle. Gray has also been very helpful to me on collecting trips in
that area. His e-mail address and phone are: bassg_at_gfc.state.fl.us -
The report Steven Ellis mentioned is attached, to save you the trouble of
tracking it down.
Have fun...as I'm sure you will.
Bob Sinclair
Santa Barbara CA
- - -
From: lagrangepastor_at_juno.com
Subject: NANFA-- Re: Spring Florida Trip
We will be going on a trip to Florida in late March. Probably will not be going
farther south than the Corkskrew Swamp Sanctuary - focusing on the Gulf
panhandle area. Plan to do a bit of birding and canoeing through a few cypress
trees &
collect a few freshwater fish to transport back home. I am only interested in
collecting a
few fish (have two 20's set up and waiting) but would be defiantly interested in
recommendation, input or locations etc. Would love to hear from someone local or
someone who has been through the area.
[demime 0.99d.1x removed an attachment of type application/msword which had a name of FLORIDA Collecting Report.doc]
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