Since I cooperate with biologists, institutes, and departments I have much
more fun in my hobby, more success by feeling accepted and the
professionells appreciate additional contribution they could not get on
themselves as they cannot be everywhere. Not finally as a hobbyist I can
observe my pets in a tank or terrarium which gives opportunities the
professionells rarely have. In the sum we create progress. And that it
should be all about. Both are valuable for the common aims.
> Von: "Nick Zarlinga" <>
> Antworten an:
> Datum: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 08:04:51 -0500
> An: "NANFA List Server (E-mail)" <>
> Betreff: NANFA-- professional vs hobbyist
> Folks, thanks for a lively discussion, but a couple of simple points here
> first. I am behind on this thread and I want to read all the emails,
> especially the ones addressed to me to continue this discussion. So, please
> allow me to catch up.
> As far as the professional vs hobbyist thing.... the couple of emails that I
> have read so far have taken my comments way out of context and addes some
> liberties of their own to what I am saying. In no way am I saying that
> hobbyists are not valuable and that they are all "consumer", as has been
> described. Give me some credit and please read my past comments on this
> again. I think you will see my true intentions. It is simply a numbers
> game. I in no way am saying that *all* hobbyists are not reliable, or
> educated, or passionate, or conservative, etc., etc. And in no way am I
> saying that *all* professionals are reliable, educated, passionate, or
> conservative, etc. etc. But, when you look at the two groups as a whole,
> and we have the system that we have in place, professionals have the
> resources and colleagues to handle and comprehend the scientific end of the
> situation because that is their job, this what they got into the business to
> do, and most have devoted several years of their lives to formally educate
> themselves in this field. There are more avenues of learning available to
> them. Exceptional hobbyists usually have fight and claw their way to get
> these avenues availble to them. This is what makes them exceptional. And
> again, I feel that many of the hobbyists on this list are *very*
> exceptional. "Hobbyist" is not a bad word and I mean no decension when I am
> using it in this context. Many have put more effort into learning their
> passion than I have, and I respect that. I have learned alot from this list
> over the years.
> Now, on to reading emails ......
> Nick Zarlinga
> Aquarium Biologist
> Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
> 216.661.6500 ext 4485
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