--- Chip Rinehart <crin_at_glassmaster.com> wrote:
> But....once they were already declining in numbers
> the pet industry still
> continued to collect them. Isn't this sthe same
> thing that happens with
> many species?
> Chip
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Steffen Hellner [SMTP:steffen_at_hellner.biz]
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:38 AM
> > To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> > Subject: Re: NANFA-- Collecting ethics
> >
> > > What about the Carolina Parakeet? It was
> collected by both people who
> > > wanted it for the pet trade and for it's
> feathers.
> > Not really, Chip. This bird got extinct because
> loss of habitat (cypress
> > swamps). This I took from the same book as the
> passenger pigeon. Again,
> > collecting for pet and feathers was only
> additional (though not good) but
> > didn4t cause the extinction.
> >
> > Please keep in mind that both species were
> enormously abundant. Of the
> > passenger was estimated some 3 billion in one
> single swarm and there were
> > many swarms! The Carolina Parakeet was present by
> the millions, too. No
> > pet
> > collecting could ever take them that much down.
> But the species could have
> > probably being preserved if the hobbyists at that
> time were more engaged
> > and
> > experienced in breeding them.
> >
> > Steffen
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