Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From:
><)> On Behalf
><)> Of Steffen Hellner
><)> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 11:05 AM
><)> To:
><)> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Collecting ethics
><)> >> <)> Still waiting for evidence that
><)> collecting of fish
><)> >> <)> or any other cold-blooded
><)> >> <)> animal has ever lead to extinction.
><)> >
><)> > This is where I think that the views on this
><)> topic are nearsighted. It is
><)> > not that it may lead to extiction, it is that it
><)> is not helping to preserve
><)> > the species by still allowing for unrestricted
><)> collection or possession.
><)> Didn4t speak of unrestricted collecting or
><)> possession. But today the
><)> alternatives are either "do what you want" or "its
><)> prohibited". That is were
><)> differentiation lacks.
><)> > You are reducing genetic diversity and therefore
><)> *possibly* weakening the
><)> > species as a whole.
><)> This is an argument as weak as all the stated
><)> thread by collecting. If
><)> nature and especially amphibians and fish were
><)> that sensitive to losses of
><)> "genetic diversity" by loss of single or few
><)> specimen there would have been
><)> no species development at all as we face it.
><)> Amphibians and fish are known
><)> to be very stable against inbreeding even when
><)> bred in genetic lines. Mostly
><)> every species can be inbred for many, many
><)> generations without affecting its
><)> health or prolificy. Even mammals als the white
><)> Ory antilope were based on
><)> just a dozen specimen left and have raised to
><)> herds of hundreds without
><)> significant problems. Or see the Bison. It must
><)> have been extirpated if
><)> genetic diversity was that narrow as you state it.
><)> With amphibians like
><)> hellbenders it is obviously even less problematic.
><)> > There is much that humans don't know about population
><)> > dynamics and that is why I vote for erring on
><)> the side of caution and not
><)> > allowing just anyone who thinks they know what
><)> they are doing to keep the
><)> > species. Unfortunately, it is reactive and not
><)> proactive, but that is a
><)> > whole other thread ;).
><)> I agree, we are just at start of knowing what is
><)> really going on. My point
><)> is that the cautionous survive but the risky
><)> people take us further. We can
><)> look at the species we have with tears in our eyes
><)> and see them die off and
><)> be aware we "were on the side of caution" or try
><)> to get into it by taking
><)> the "risk" of using a limited number for research.
><)> And the latter is being
><)> done now with hellbenders. And I am aware that our
><)> past behaviour has caused
><)> this reaction as we missed to be proactive for too
><)> long. Still time to
><)> change this. Mere conservatism will not work in
><)> the long run.
><)> As you proposed I suggest we close this thread as
><)> everything for now has
><)> been said. It was great, I like controvers
><)> discussions. Hope I didn4t upset
><)> anybody by my statements which just reflected my
><)> personal oppinion.
><)> Steffen
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