But over all it seems to be that over here it isn4t that much a problem as
it is a saltwater fish and the pet shops this time show responsibility. of
course, many more marine tanks are sold, some producers have quickly set up
some "Nemo-Editions". But the fish are 99% cb (though no argument to waste
> Von: John B <bongi_at_cox-internet.com>
> Antworten an: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Datum: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 19:07:43 -0600
> An: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Betreff: Re: NANFA--now NANFA type aquarist- Collecting ethics
> Lord forbid that Disney ever put out a movie about the Bluenose Shiner!
> Any Idea about how many Nemos have been flushed yet?
> John
> A biologist Wanabe
> Nick Zarlinga wrote:
>> Steffen, your post below illustrates my point. There are hobbyists, then
>> there are exceptional hobbyists. I have to believe that you would agree
>> with me that of the millions of fish enthusiasts out there, that there are
>> relative handful that would be considered exceptional. Of course the
>> biggest problem is how do you determine that a hobbyist is *exceptional
>> enough* to be responsible enough to keep a declining species-as measured
>> the good of the species.
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