> I don't believe any laws were written to prevent me from collecting fish
> specifically because I am a hobbyist.
Me too. But I dislike to be restricted only because I don4t have a title but
possibly the same knowledge and (sometimes even more) expertise as the
professionals. And I don4t like to be regulated while commercial interest
kills the environment I am not allowed to enter and the soecies I am not
allowed to collect.
> I do not have an inferiority complex when talking to or dealing with
> "professionals."
Me too. I have visited so many places in the world, collected so many even
new-to-science species, have my own species named, co-described a species,
have bred way more than onehundred of species, some of which nobody else
ever did or with an outstanding success (in numbers, health, sex-ratio,
numbers of generations). Of course only in my field. I am in contact with
many well reputated specialists around the world for many years. Without any
problems or complexes on either side. Not these but sometimes I think the
not so well reputated professionells have the inferiority complex!
> I do not feel that "professionals" are out to get me simply because I am a
> hobbyist.
Oh yes, they sometimes do!
> I do not feel that I am being made the scapegoat for all of the
> environmental problems in the world.
Not for all but on a regularly basis for some. If this seems to be
convenient for the real destroyers.
> There are hundreds on unprotected fish species in North America that will
> keep me amused for the rest of my life; therefore, I see no need to collect
> any endangered, threatened, and special concern species.
There are millions of wonderful, attractive women in the world. But I love
my wife and don4t want any other. What to do where love hits you? To me its
not if a species is protected but that it fascinates me. The Niangua darter
is a dream, but the Arrow darter is just a sibbling and by this a true
alternative. I personally don4t enjoy watercress darters or many other
protected species. But some I really like. if they are impossible I have to
accept that. if there is any legal way to get them I4ll try. Simply that.
> I do not believe my rights are being violated because some species are
> prohibited from my collecting them.
Which rights? Civil rights? No. Your right to be equally seen and treated by
the government? Yes! We have the same rights as the industry or anybody else
and v.v. Not more, not less. I4d die for that if it would come to that
point. Always was a kind of renegade, in school, at university, in my job.
Sometimes hard but every day worth it. The ancient people ot the tribe of
"Friesen" (living at the very border of the northern sea) from which I
descend by my late mother stated: "Better dead than slave". That4s my word
and deep from the heart believe.
> I believe fish in the wild are more interesting and aesthetically pleasing
> than fish in a fish tank.
Absolutely!!! I observed e.g. Cory "aeneus" in Brazil from a bridge for
hours. Will never forget this. It has impressed me more than anything else I
can remember from a tank. But I cannot stay or live there and for that I
like to have them at home.
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