>> <)> Removing any specimens reduces
>> <)> > genetic diversity in the system that animals are in.
>> <)> That is exactly what predators do to them. What to
>> <)> do? Declining their
>> <)> permit? What makes the difference is that
>> <)> predators usually only take what
>> <)> they need.
> Yes, they remove genetic diversity from the system, however that is what we
> call natural selection. It has a purpose and contributes to the evolution
> of the species.
But this development is what many conservationists try to avoide. It is not
seeling the present status but enabling a future however it may come.
Several endemic species are either highly uniform or have changed phenotypes
within relatively short time. They are drifting apart caused by inbreeding
and separation. That is evolution and we can4t stop it. Why should we? The
big crash causing the dinos to die off (if it was that way) cannot be made
unhappened. Or do meteors belong to natural selection? Todays catastrophy is
mankind and we cannot make us not being there. Thus WE are the major
influencing factor in evolution. Don4t know if we are better or worse the
>> <)> > For arguments sake, if we were to allow
>> <)> hobbyists to have these species,
>> <)> > should there be a screening process? What would
>> <)> the requirements be? I'd
>> <)> > be interested in hearing anyones comments on
>> <)> this specifically.
>> <)> Why not? As in all parts of life - if I want
>> <)> something I have to do
>> <)> something. The requirements could be agreed upon
>> <)> interdisciplinary. We do
>> <)> this in Germany not only for endangered species.
>> <)> There are regulations for
>> <)> maintaining species, for showing qualification in
>> <)> care and transport. Not
> And finally, you are creating more work and bogging down an already taxed
> system.
Could help to solve underemployment. LOL. Seriously, we have less
formalities and obstacles since we agreed on a narrow system of announcing
protected species. This was changed quickly as soon as it was realized that
it doesn4t make sense and that the true challengers are different types.
Wearing nice dresses, driving nice cars, behaving nicely but truely being
only lead by money and power. Poor guys though but still very, very
dangerous to all of us. Most of these "managers" I had or have to work with
have everything but a character or principles, or confessions. They are just
there making more money regardless of what the consequences will be. Why not
make them a bit more buisy, ey? Probably keeps them off from killing the
world. (Just a rather cynical approach to polarize).
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