Ray... Do you realize what _volume_ of paper work and study needs to be done
before they can just "move" a species into a habitat where it doesn't
currently exist? Especially one that hasn't had a record of the species in
that watershed, but may be the perfect habitat? This isn't just time and
money... This is an _all out effort_ by an assortment of agencies. Man,
there's all sorts of environmental impact statements, species by species
impact statements... It just gets ugly fast. Have that paired with an
already existing state listing and you've got pounds of paper. It's the
environmental lawyer's equivalency of a class action suit, as far as billing
Yes, I know... They seem to be able to dump a flathead catfish wherever the
heck they feel like it. Or bluegill, or largemouth bass, or steelhead...
But those species have had a certain amount of leeway already put into
position because they offer definate economical impacts, which has already
been studied, identified, and proven... And they have a clean slate as far
as the legislatures are concerned.
No one said it was perfect... But it's not as simple for people who've
devoted their lives (and opened themselves to all sorts of frustrations) to
working with these critters as it is for some fisherman to dump off "them
real pretty minners the crappie love so much" or a DNR to "enhance the
fishery" in a different system.
Please consider this when thinking about "solutions"! :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "R. W. Wolff" <choupiqu_at_wctc.net>
> My solution other than the obvious, enforce water quality laws, is for the
> state to do some relocation. I would bet most species suitable for this
> would take off and flourish. It has worked in other states. I know, costs
> money and time, but it is cheaper and takes less time than devoting
> space or just waiting it out.
> Ray
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