>1) Business administration
>2) Biology
>Jackson, MS
Quoting "Moontanman_at_aol.com" <Moontanman at aol.com>:
> I have to agree with you, professional biologists that would be in the
> position to be interested in fish probably don't make enough money to make
> for
> any lack of passion. To do that kind of work almost certainly needs a
><)> I can't answer that - just making an observation
><)> based on what I perceive to be
><)> factual. But it seems to me that there is little
><)> accountability in the biology
><)> field, where publication counts, vs, the business
><)> field, where results count.
><)> Prost,
><)> Martin
><)> Jackson, MS
Above was your post. The impression I get from your sarcasm is that biology
as a major is the second most popular in your eyes. Therefore, passion for
the field not necessarily associated with it since there are so many people
who go into it. Maybe that is just me reading into and open ended comment.
Yes, biology might not have much initial accountability, but it is peer
reviewed which tends to steer it in the right direction. You don't
contribute much to the common good if you don't have others agreeing with
Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From: owner-nanfa_at_aquaria.net
><)> On Behalf
><)> Of Irate Mormon
><)> Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:32 AM
><)> To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
><)> Subject: RE: NANFA-- Collecting ethics
><)> I can't answer that - just making an observation
><)> based on what I perceive to be
><)> factual. But it seems to me that there is little
><)> accountability in the biology
><)> field, where publication counts, vs, the business
><)> field, where results count.
><)> Prost,
><)> Martin
><)> Jackson, MS
><)> Quoting Nick Zarlinga <njz_at_clevelandmetroparks.com>:
><)> > Yeah, but how many of those biology majors ended
><)> up in the biology field,
><)> > that is the real question. It is alot harder to
><)> secure yourself in the
><)> > biology field than in the business field. Lots
><)> of opportunities over there.
><)> > Let's call a spade a spade. Lots of people
><)> think that animals are cute.
><)> > ><)>
><)> > ><)> I remember when I was a student,
><)> that there were
><)> > ><)> two majors adopted by folks who
><)> > ><)> didn't know what they wanted to major in:
><)> > ><)>
><)> > ><)> 1) Business administration
><)> > ><)> 2) Biology
><)> ---------------------------
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