Bill Wallace <> wrote:If you pick up a copy of FAMA magazine, there is a column on sand beds and it
seems pretty clear that at least some people are using them for freshwater. I
would email the author of that column if you want to continue considering it.
However, IMHO, I would setup a tank with plants rather than a sand bed system.
In a tank with far too many fish (albeit small ones), and plants, with water
going in at 10 ppm nitrates, the water tested at the end of the week has
undetectable nitrates. That is with 2.5 watts/gallon, and no CO2, but with
weekly fertilizer for the plants. Without the fertilizer, the nitrates are
essentially unchanged throughout the week.
-----Original Message-----
From: matt ashton
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 9:59 AM
Subject: NANFA-- anyone ever toyed with this idea?
I just got a 55 from a neighbor looking to get some basement space back. I am
looking to do a native tank along the lines of what Todd does with his set up.
I have been debating filter options, mostly along the lines of cost, and some
other things to tweak. I was curious to know if anyone has ever though of
setting up such a sand bed in the style of a plenum system. You do not hear
much about that mentioned in freshwater applications. Wouldnt that aide in
creating that anerobic zone for bacteria and be simple as an UG filter plate
with some pea gravel over top to minimize sand getting sucked under the plate.
I just cant justify the cost of an Ehiem when you could attempting the same
thing within your tank and then aide the filtration in other ways.
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