> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 10:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: NANFA-- glass worms
> Ray Wolff, I've also had good luck getting glass worms from
> Ray Katula. For
> all of you who have thought about using glass worms for fish
> food, but
> haven't; I can vouche for how good they are. I obtained some
> from Ray Katula and
> every kind of fish I have goes crazy about them. Even my
> Heterandria formosa!
> Other than the fish liking them so much, the two things I
> like most about glass
> worms is that they are easy to keep alive in cool or cold
> water and if my
> fish don't eat them all in one feeding, the glass worms will
> still be wriggling
> around in the water the following days to be eaten.
> Bruce Scott
> Meridian, Idaho
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