I put a few glassworms in a gallon jar of greenwater with a couple of big
mamma daphnia. Actually saw a glassworm strike a big daphnia and bounce off.
They may have fed on baby daphnia for a couple of days.
Unfortunately a warm wave came by, the house temperature bounced up a couple
of degrees and I believe they transformed into flying insects (a few
bloodworms in a forty gallon breeder tank/ daphnia culture on the floor
decided to do that too) much to my family's delight.
I worry a tad about where they might have laid their eggs. (Have found quite
active bloodworms in fishless, clogged-with-algae-tanks which were awaiting
spring cleaning.)
It stand to reason that one wouldn't want to put glassworms in tanks with
small fry.
Frozen glassworms, defrosted in lukewarm water, will divide into floaters
and sinkers. After they are rinsed through a sieve and dumped in a jar of RO
water (why increase TDS anymore than one has to in winter?) the sinkers are
squirted at the bottom dwellers, the floating stuff goes in with dedicated
surface feeders...
All the best!
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