Measurements were taken with YSI 30 conductivity meter which was on the
temperature compensated mode.
Day 0 conductivity 268 microsiemens (.1 ppt) at 37F
added 200 lbs of NaCl
Day 1 conductivity 1130 microsiemens (.6 ppt) at 37F
added 200 lbs of NaCl
Day 2 conductivity 2080 microsiemens (1.1 ppt) at 36F
added 200 lbs of NaCl
Day 3 conductivity 3075 microsiemens (1.2 ppt) at 36F
added 200 lbs of NaCl
Day 4 conductivity 4160 microsiemens (2.2 ppt) at 36F
Here are some other values that I tested:
1 lb of NaCl in 1 gallon of tap water (257 microsiemens) raised conductivity
to 140 millisiemens
10 grams of NaCl in 1000 ml of Distilled water raised conductivity to 17
millisiemens (9.9 ppt)
1 gram of NaCl in 1000ml of Distilled water raised conductivity to 2174
microsiemens (1.1 ppt)
As you can see from these known values that it certainly was not lab quality
measurements. But, for our purposes, a close figure would be very helpful to
us. Thanks for the help.
Oh, and also, you don't get a grade unless you show your work ;)
Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
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