Re: NANFA-- a lil' help from my friends....

Sajjad Lateef (
Wed, 21 Jan 2004 09:23:32 -0800 (PST)

--- wrote:
> I think for the purposes here you could measure the rate of your hose
> delivery in gallons per hour (by filling a bucket timed with a
> stopwatch) and then
> see how long it takes to fill the pool. Accuracy of +/- 20% is
> probably better
> than you need.

I think 10,000 Gallons would be a small tank for Nick, our
resident Zookeeper.

(Rob D., you now get to choose your honorary title. And,
as an FYI, "Ranger" is taken)



Sajjad Lateef   e-mail: 
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