Do you ever maintain any of those burbot in aquaria for
extended periods of time?
Travis Haas
Appleton, WI
On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 21:52:44 -0600
"R. W. Wolff" <> wrote:
>My friend Matt and I went on a collecting trip, hoping to
>find burbot. We
>went to some sites, that can be seen on the " Winter
>Collecting Video 2001".
>Mostly the Yellow River. We also checked out some spots
>on the Lemonwier
>River, both of these in Juneau county Wisconsin. Here is
>a list of what we
>caught at the Yellow:
>Banded darter
>Johnny darter
>Crawfish ( rusties? covered with black crud)
>Cadis fly larvae
>At the Lemonwier we did not try to catch anything, but
>made notes on a few
>sites checked out from the Gazeteer. We also found an
>interesting spot that
>a local directed us too. This was after the fella thought
>we might be fur
>trappers, and moving in on his and four other guys from
>the area. He was
>nice none the less.
>After that we stopped in Tomah to meet Ray Katula, since
>I was getting some
>glass worms from him. I am set until spring for live food
>if this is the
>only thing I have to feed my fish.
>You can check out some photos of the fish on my web site
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