Stan Perkins
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Crail" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:00 PM
Subject: NANFA-- A whole new can o' woims
> Greetings Listizens... Gonna try Sajjad's new formatting
> principle tonight of 60 characters per lin. Man I only get
> like six words per line. Get ready to scroll! :)
> Went and visited the tank at the elementary school that I
> set up recently. It's a 150 gallon, has a 4-5" sandbed,
> was seeded with the real stuff this time (I dug up two
> storage tubs of sediment from Ten Mile Creek) and has
> hornwort as the dominant plant. Looks like this:
> Well it did anyway... The thing is a solid brick of hornwort
> now lol. Looking at this picture, I can't believe how much
> grew in a month. I will probably be pulling about two five
> gallon buckets worth out when I go back. That's an
> optomistic minimum. I'll get pics before I pull it out.
> So anyway, on it's "cycle", with a ton of light, indirect
> sunlight behind it, it only finally obscurred the view with
> algae on the sunny side now after a month and a half. I'm
> pretty happy with that.
> Snails have been reproducing. The jury is still out on
> wether that's a good thing or not. I guess the worst case
> scenario is they just get harvested occassionally by
> running a net up the glass.
> Something else has been brewing tho, and this is what has
> me _really_ excited. Worms. Dunno what kind or
> anything, but they had made their little trails in the sump
> as thick as I've ever seen in any marine system, for sure.
> They seem to build a tunnel out of detritus when they don't have substrate
> around them. And they must have a
> planktonic stage, else I can't figure out how they would
> crawl down to the sump in such quantity over such a
> short period, since they seem to like to keep something
> around them.
> I messed them all up when I topped off the sump, but I
> imagine that they'll have rebuilt by the time I get back
> there next week. Photos for sure. Hopefully they have a
> disecting scope there with a camera. Then maybe we
> can ID these. More later as I have better documentation.
> Okay. This formatting really sucks. It's totally killing my
> stream of consciousness and giving information a
> chore. Sajjad... Copy the text to Notepad and see if
> that doesn't help you out. This ain't workin' man. :)
> Todd
> It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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