I used to take spent CO2 cylinders ( like from a BB gun ) and turn them
into rocket motors. Very dangerous, but spectacular whether they worked
or failed.
I'd take a small nail or whatever and make the hole a little bit bigger.
Next I would crush a bunch of swimming pool chlorine into a fine powder,
and put about an inch of it into the cylinder with a funnel made from
rolled up paper. Next I would load it into the rocket ( or rocket car or
rocket boat ) and inject some brake fluid into the cylinder with a
syringe. Then I'd run like hell.
Sometimes the thing would just explode like a grenade, but usually it
would would shoot smoke and flame a good four or five feet as the rocket
took off like a shot. I never really went for height or distance for
fear of explosion, but I'm pretty sure that some most impressive flights
can be acheived with this method. I would only recommend this for people
who don't mind having to get stiches on occasion. Still, it's something
to see.
Mix it too dry and all you'll get is smoke which is full of chlorine and
highly toxic. Too wet and you'll blow yourself up real good. Also, never
mix it if the stuff ( cylinder, powder, or fluid ) are warm. The warmer
the components, the faster the reaction time. You should experiment a
bit first to get a feel of what to expect.
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