Re: NANFA-- -31 in Fargo this morning/longgggg^ish

R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 28 Jan 2004 00:49:18 -0600

For those of you who have never experienced real snow or forgotten, it is
not the thing that the movies and cards make it out to be. Imagine white mud
falling from the sky. You have to clean it off the roads to drive. Now you
have a slick of white mud turning brown still on the roads, and piles along
it. If it gets windy, the mud from all around the neighborhood blows into
your driveway, and you once again have to clean it off. All the while it is
tracked into your house and your mode of transportation. To top this off,
like most people don't have enough to do, you have to take more time out to
clean up after this mess. Its not like mowing the lawn, you can tell when
the grass is about needing to be cut.

Ok, next chapter ties this into fish...

I have found one use for snow , it is a good insulater. It has turned into
a sucky winter this January, after being pretty nice. I had over a foot of
ice on my gar pond ( record thickness). Oddly, the pumps froze up ( need
more info on why this is odd, ask). I drilled a hole in the ice with an ice
auger, dropped in a stock tank heater. Even during that evil arctic blast we
had, that ice turned to a couple inches because the heat from the heater
stayed in the water from four inches of snow insulating it! Regardless, give
me 90 degrees and 100% humidity over 20 degrees and 25 % humidity anytime.
Come on summer!!!

Ray W.
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