----- Original Message -----
From: "unclescott" <unclescott_at_prodigy.net>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- parasite removal
> While those anthelmintics mentioned are intended to get rid of internal
> external worms, the Flubendazole seems to also do a number on external
> parasites. It left the plants alone.
> However after a week some of the snails were ailing. Like all medications,
> it should be changed out.
> Of course you were using salt. You might just try steping it up to marine
> levels first. :)
> (of course the salt baths are done fairly quickly. When the fish shows
> stress, they were removed to new, seasoned, fresh water. The plan was that
> the sudden osmotic pressure change in the water would do in the smaller
> massing parasites first.)
> All the best,
> Scott
> > >Hi, all. I brought some bait shop mummichog into my 65 gallon tank,
> > >apparently they have some kind of parasites. A few days after I
> > >them in, the whole tank broke out with a bunch of white spots. Maybe
> ich,
> > >I'm not sure. Anyway, I put about three teaspoons of instant ocean per
> > >gallon in the tank, and bumped the temperature up to 82 degrees or so,
> and
> > >the white spots disappeared, so I think the salt cleared it up.
> > >
> > >The fish are still scratching against the heater, however, so I guess
> > >there's a second parasite that the salt didn't wipe out. Anybody know
> a
> > >medicine I could feed them or something to wipe out this smaller
> parasite?
> > >
> > >Thanks.
> > >
> > >Bob
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