There's a nice balance here in Santa Barbara. In a bad
year it might get all the way up to around 90 or so. But
the winters can be real killers. A couple of years ago we
had one day that was all the way down to + 45. Most
of the year it's in the 65-85 range. Not too hard to take.
But don't everybody start thinking of migrating here. Once
The Lovely Anne and I relocated here from back East, we
realized it was getting sort of crowded. ;- )
Bob Sinclair
Santa Barbara CA (formerly from Lee's part of the world)
- - -
In a message dated 1/28/04 10:58:51 PM,
<< I don't think I could deal with the cold you guys have. >>
I feel that way about excess heat. I can always put on another layer of
clothing but taking off clothing doesn't work the other way. It's a good
thing people are different or we would all live in the same place, or migrate.
Lee Harper
Media, PA
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