I hate the cold as well. But then cold is subjective. For me anything
under 70 F is cold. 50 F is almost unberable and high 30 F is misrable.
But then being in Hawaii, to get away from the cold is just a 20 mile
drive down the mountain to the coast where it can be inthe 80 F range and
humid. We have already had snow on the Mountains this year (not on my
island). But I can't complain it is enough for the fish that need cool
periods to trick them into breeding in the spring. Goldfish are doing
their thing already. The rainbow shiners were non-stop all winter. I
can't wait until the tank is full of them all showing spawning colors. It
seems they are more often triggered by a weather front moving in than
anything else. I need to see if other shiners are the same, in this
regards. Any ideas if other chub nest spawners will be the same?
Another note in I meant to chime in when we were chatting about over
wintering fish. I found that I can creat several microclimates in the
fish room depending on what shelf I put the fish onto. The top shelf's E.
okefenoke are nice and fat eating and showing big mirror spots, the ones
on the mid shelf are eating but not growing a bit skinny and all dark.
The fish on the bottom shelf have stopped eating. the ones onthe top
shelf are huge and chubby. I amnot sure if they are spawning. i need to
check the tank and give them a water change.....
Anyone want some shiners?
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