All the best,
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Neely <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Blacktip Sharks
> Rob,
> >This week...for the first time I know of...schools of Blacktip Sharks
> >were seen and caught in the Mobile/Tensaw Delta. One angler using
> >20-pound test hooked 10 of them...and landed a small 14 pounder.
> >Most of them just broke lines like thread. The Blacktip is a large
> >
> >Any of you folks up at Tuscaloosa or Huntsville ever heard reports like
> >this before?
> Yeah. Lots of taxa will move in/offshore based on salinity levels. Should
> seeing other sharks (ie, bull sharks, silky sharks, etc), plus a lot of
> other primarily marine taxa well within the Bay for a while. Makes seining
> fun...
> cheers,
> Dave
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