NANFA-- Moving to Lexington Ky

geoff kimber (
Thu, 20 Jul 2000 22:09:37 -0700

I will be moving to lexington ky in the next few weeks and need to find a
home for some of my fish. If you're interested, send me your address and
I'll send them to you. I don't really want anything in return at this time.

My inventory:

Southern red-bellied dace - 6
pearl dace - 4
blacknosed dace - 3
log perch - 1
southern studfish - 1
fundulus chrysotus - 1
blue spotted sunfish - 1
I also have about 6 juvenile sunfish whose identity escapes me at this time
(my kids destroyed my Petersons) - the sunfish have red eye and blue wavy
patterns on the gills. They're all under 2 inches long

I'm not sure if these sunfish will survive the trip, but if anyone is
interested -

warmouth - 1 is 4 inches and the other is 2
rock bass - 3 inches
red ear sunfish - 2 inches


Geoff Kimber
Tucson, AZ
(soon to be Lexington, Ky)

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