NANFA-- red shiner/green sunfish, and humour
R. W. Wolff (
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 13:07:10 -0500
Red shiner, the green sunfish of cyprinids? I swear if you cut a green
sunfish into little pieces and throw them back in the water, each piece will
grow into a new green sunfish. Also green sunfish get out and walk across
land at night when the dew is heavy.
Seriously, an interesting thing I have seen green sunfish do, and my Dad has
seen goldfish do this in his goldfish pond he just built, they will follow
terrestrial insects walking along the shore, they will beach themselves,
grab the bug, and flip back in the water. Like killer whales eating seals I
guess. Maybe red shiners can do this as well, so they have something to eat
when they clean out the pantry in the water.
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