Re: NANFA-- Web Page update.

R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 4 Jul 2001 00:21:25 -0500

> great website Ray


> all the pictures came in great for me. on one set of your ponds it took a
> while for the complete pictures but not long. the ponds look the best
> i have seen. how large are they.

That is good. The gar pond has grown a lot since that picture, but at the
time was 33 feet long, and 14 feet wide, roughly and a max depth of just
over 6 feet. . The killi pond is 15 feet by 9 feet with a 33 inch deep

> one comment is that i received no pictures clicking on amphibians of the
> marsh. maybe this part is not completed yet or else you might want to
> into it.

I have not yet been able to get any good photos to turn out of amphibians. I
have tried mostly at night, and my lighting attempts are terrible, by the
time I figure out how to get a good shot, the animal is long gone. I should
have something on that section by fall, I will post when I do more updates.


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