Tokyo Japan
>The stoneroller crusade is proceeding on two fronts. One is examining
>young-of-year growth, and the other is looking at aspects of population
>structure inferred from genetic analysis. For the summer I actually have 3
>people working with me on the two projects, two of whom will probably still
>be around in the fall. If all goes well we'll start extracting DNA on
>Thursday from one group of stonerollers. I hope to be able to sequence the
>cytochrome B gene in the mitochondrial DNA for 5-10 individuals from each
>a variety of locales. This is to examine population structure within
>_Campostoma oligolepis_, the largescale stoneroller, and see what
>differences are observable as _oligolepis_ shades into the central
>stoneroller, _C. anomalum_. That's why I was so happy to collect
>stonerollers in that stinky creek in Huntsville, TN, over the weekend. I'm
>still not sure if they're better described as _oligolepis_ or _anomalum_.
>Next week we also start examining collected YOY fish to describe growth
>patterns, both in terms of larval stage and size at larval stage. My
>challenge is to ensure that an undergrad student is comfortable with the
>generally recognized definitions of larval growth stages.
>--Bruce Stallsmith
>Huntsville, AL, US of A
>>How is your research with the stonerollers going? I recently received a
>>on NAm natives in exchange for a book on Japanese natives. I showed it to
>>some Japanese fishkeepers who have shown interest in many of the minnow,
>>darter and madtom species listed. Most of the people are familiar with the
>>bass, sunfish and related species as they are well established either as
>>introductions in lakes as sport fish or as aquarium species. The other
>>small, colourful and interesting species such as the shiners, darters or
>>madtoms are relatively unknown here.
>>Tokyo Japan
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