Re: NANFA-- Re: Big Southfork Trip
Bruce Stallsmith (
Wed, 04 Jul 2001 11:51:06 -0400
>It sounds like you guys saw some interesting stuff on your trip to the Big
>Southfork area. Casper, your side-trip to the Emory River was especially
>intriguing. I was hoping to make it down there after the convention, and
>was especially hoping to get a look at Turquoise Shiners.
>How many Ashy Darters did you guys see on that trip? Also, if I understand
>it correctly you didn't spend most of your time within the national
>recreation area because it was off-limits to collecting. Is this correct?
>Are the waters within the recreation area clearer?
>Are any of you guys familiar with the Rockcastle River in Kentucky? I
>I want to check this river out after the convention too. I've heard that
>its a strong hold for Ashy Darters and would like to observe some while
>Mark Otnes
>Fargo ND
Where we met is inside the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area
(NRRA), which is part of the National Parks system. You can fish there with
a hook and line, but you can't use a net of any kind for fish. That seems a
little silly, but it's probably just as well that the park managers err on
the side of protecting both the habitat and the fish. I support that
decision the more I think to myself what we saw _inside_ the park compared
to what we saw _outside_ the park, i.e. there was no obvious septic tank
seepage into the Leatherwood Ford area.
As to ashy darters, we might have caught one in Paint Rock Creek, but it
would have been a female because as Casper mentioned it didn't have an
enlarged second dorsal fin. I think in the future we'll all head for the
Emory system as a first choice.
--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
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