To anyone is interested in helping with some Fish
Survey work for a Sanctuary in Maryland. The Jugbay
Wildlife Sanctuary holds monthly Fish Surveys of some
of their surrounding waters. They need volunteers to
help catch, identify and measure the fish before
releasing them back into their habitat.
Catch methods are mainly Seine but include Dip nets
and occasional box nets.
They provide a nice photocopied guide to help identify
the fish caught. They have recorded over 40 different
species in the waters at the sanctuary.
They have scheduled the next two surveys for July and
August. The dates are July 14th, 10am-1pm and August
11th, 9am-noon. Jug Bay is a little out of the way and
not the easiest thing to find. It is at the bottom of
Anne Arundal Country (Maryland) on the Patuxent River
at the end of a one lane dirt road.
You can sign up as a volunteer for the Surveys by
calling 410.741.9330. They have a WWW site at
I am going to try and go to the July 14th Fish Survey
but will not be able to attend the one in August due
to family commitments. If anyone wants to get
together and go to the July Survey as a group let
me know and we can setup a meeting place.
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