NANFA-- glasses magnify
Fri, 6 Jul 2001 12:42:54 EDT

hey steve...
one of the bonuses of snorkling is everything appears larger. bottle caps
look like lids, shoes look like the yeti's ( big foot ), snappers look like
they could take your arm off! snorkling is like swimming with a big
magnifying glass strapped to your head.
as for corrective lens... i guess it depends on what kind of vision problems
need correcting. near sight/ far sight and all those weird other words...
stigmatism, etc. i... myself being 44 now am having trouble seeing things
closeup as in reading or studying maps.i cant focus and sleepy eyed blurry. i
bought a pair of 10 dollar glasses at the drug store which work wonders. but
i have not seen a problem while snorkling and viewing critters up close.
if the prescription mask markedly enhances your experience... why hesitate.

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