NANFA-- Becker's Fishes of Wisconsin

Brian Haas (
Sun, 08 Jul 2001 13:52:21 -0500

I received my copy of the Fishes of Wisconsin reprint this Thursday. A few
things surprised me. For starters, no where was it mentioned that the book
was a reprint. Unless you knew better, it would lead you to believe that
the book had been in print since 1983!

The reprint has better paper than the original 1983 version, which was
printed on stock not much better than your average Bible paper.
Unfortunately, the thicker paper makes for a substantially thicker book. A
four inch thick book is, to say the least, bulky; and not incredibly easy
to "curl up with" in the easy chair.

The print quality and especially the photographic quality probably isn't
quite as good as the original; the pictures seem darker than I had
remembered and the print isn't truly "sharp."

And there's a type-o on the left jacket flap.

So I'm being picky; but nothing could keep this from being my absolute
favorite fish book. Worth the $100 price tag.

Travis Haas
Hazel Green, WI

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