>From: Christopher Scharpf <ichthos_at_charm.net>
>Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>To: NANFA e-mail list <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- Klamath sucker --> Rio Grande minnow
>Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 23:31:50 -0400
> > Chris, I'm impressed you can sit through Rush, the mouth that's a mile
> > and an inch deep.
>I'd much rather you be impressed with me for other things. I seldom listen
>to Rush. I put the radio on today to catch the news. Caught the last 5
>minutes of his show before the top of the hour. When I heard him utter the
>words "sucker fish" with utter contempt, my ears perked up. Cool! Native
>fish on the radio. He said the "sucker fish" should learn to adapt. His
>Rushian logic was priceless: Enviromentalist whackos said that the spotted
>owl needs a certain kind of tree or it will die. But boy oh boy were they
>wrong, since, according to Rush, a spotted owl was apparently seen nesting
>in or on a K-Mart sign some where. Therefore, the enviromentalist whackos
>must also be wrong when they say that the "sucker fish" needs water or they
>will die.
>You're a professional biologist, Bruce. Answer me this: Do fish *really*
>need water? Or can they live on a K-Mart parking lot?
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