The second edition of the colorful and popular Fishes of Alabama and the
Mobile Basin by Maurice F. Mettee, Patrick O'Neil, and J. Malcolm Pierson is
available from GSA Publication Sales, P. O. Box 869999, Tuscaloosa, AL.
35486-6999. The price is $50 plus $5 shipping.
> From:
> Reply-To:
> Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 16:12:35 EDT
> To:
> Subject: NANFA-- fishes of alabama book
> to those interested...
> i just spoke to scott mettee via email concerning our upcoming sipsey river
> trip.
> gonna be fun...
> he told me that they are printing another 3000 copies of fishes of alabama w/
> important additions and corrections. i like this book a lot. in conjunction
> w/ peterson's field guide and etnier's tn book im pretty covered for my
> wanderings in the tn valley region and south to the florida panhandle. i will
> ask him how to get copies. perhaps we could do something like the nc videos
> we group ordered at a discount.
> email me if interested.
> casper
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