i have also collected a few of the minnows along the shore of my local pond.
they turned out to be banded killifish. i like them. sort of pretty and
make nice aquarium fish.
actually i am losing interest in the pickerel as pets. the pickerel just
run away and smash into the glass walls when they see anyone. but the
largemouth come running wagging their tail for food. they really are
friendly. however, they do not seem to want another largemouth in the same
tank, they seem very territorial.
amy, i thought you have 2 largemouth in the same tank. well mine dont want
to do that so far. i have them in 125 gallon tank. i am thinking of putting
them into a 2000 gallon pond for the rest of the summer. maybe tomorrow
i put the gambusia and a bunch of other minnow shiners from martin into a
1000 gallon pond. they seem to like it outside for the rest of the summer.
i hope all stays well out side.
the rosy reds were easy to breed. i have them in a different 1000 gallon
pond. but the pond is full of tadpoles that eat everything. i can say that
the male fathead minnows or rosy reds seem to go off and just die from a
long streatch of guarding the nest. i feed them good. but i have seen 3
males do the exhausted wandering around in the pond and wind up dead with
the tadpoles eating them.
by the way tadpoles in my pond eat everything.
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