Re: NANFA-- Sipsey camping suggestion

Doug Dame (
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 15:39:48 -0400

Mark Binkley wrote:

>> Hey Doug,
>> Don't forget to take your Perfect Dipnet and
>> show it off to everyone! :)

I could forget my trenching tool or clean underwear ... but not the Binkley serial number 0000-0001.

(I gotta go to the trophy shop and see if they'll make me a little metal tag ! )

With "old number nought-nought-nought-nought-nought-nought-nought-one" and my faithful trained follow-along bait bucket, I almost give the impression that I have some idea what I'm doing.

Many pre-school children, for example, fall for this act, sometimes for as long as 90 seconds. Dogs are able to sustain the illusion even longer, especially retrievers and other water dogs. We all want to believe, I guess !


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