Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
(Casper, a matchmaker?...What next?)
At 04:11 PM 7/24/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Casper and Mark are right! Attending a NANFA annual convention is an
>experience not to be missed. The camaraderie alone is worth it. I should
>know. I met my soon-to-be wife at the Casper-hosted shindig in Chattanooga.
>(We're getting married in Sept. What are we doing for our honeymoon? What
>else? Traveling to Massachusetts to attend a New England regional meeting
>with Rick Rego and the gang!)
>Okay, so I can't guarantee that you'll meet a future life-mate at this
>year's convention, but I can guarantee something almost as nice:
>A FREE copy of the wonderful book, A GUIDE TO OHIO STREAMS.
>Thanks to the book's author, Ohio DNR biologist Randy Sanders, every paid
>convention attendee will receive a free copy of this book -- which is not
>available for sale anywhere. You can't buy it on You can only
>get it from the author...and at the NANFA 2001 Convention.
>I received my copy a few weeks ago, and all I can say is this: EVERY STATE
>A GUIDE TO OHIO STREAMS offers a comprehensive look at the geology, ecology,
>value and uses of more than 60,000 miles of Ohio's flowing waterways. It's
>120 pages long and in full color, literally bursting with photos and
>artwork, including photos or illustrations of virtually every Ohio stream
>fish, plus many invertebrates and amphibians.
>The book was published by the Ohio Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
>(OCAFS) in partnership with ODNR, the Ohio Environmental Education Fund, and
>the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA). Funding for the project was
>provided by a grant from the Ohio Environmental Education Fund and
>cooperating partners.
>"This guide culminates a six-year effort that involved input from many
>people within the ODNR as well as the Ohio EPA, other public agencies,
>universities and private groups," said Randy Sanders, who will be speaking
>at the NANFA Convention and leading the main field trip. "With 10 chapters
>and more than 230 wildlife illustrations, 60 photographs of Ohio streams and
>40 maps, it will significantly help streamside landowners and others better
>understand and appreciate Ohio streams."
>The book contains chapters on stream ecology, geography and geology, habitat
>quality, water quality and pollution control, wildlife diversity,
>recreation, stream laws, and protection and restoration strategies. Also
>included in the guide is a timeline and detailed descriptions of Ohio's
>major watersheds.
>Here's a look at the book's cover:
>For more details about the 2001 Annual Convention, visit
>Please register now. Myself and the future Mrs. Scharpf (the lovely and
>talented Stephanie Brough) look forward to meeting you!
>Chris Scharpf
>NANFA Corporate Headquarters
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