Re: NANFA-- heat-tolerant sculpins

Christopher Scharpf (
Fri, 27 Jul 2001 10:35:12 -0400

>> I have two of these very same sculpins (collected by Dave Neely) that are
>> doing fine in water that's 25.5C (78F).
>> In a separate tank I have two Cottus bairdi, collected from Wills Creek in
>> Ft. Payne, AL (not one of my favorite places) doing fine in water that's
>> 26.6C (80F).
> Chris, please keep us posted on the long-term survival of your sculpins
> under those conditions. I'm wondering if they can take the heat for a
> certain time, but not continually for an extended period.


These are temporary summer temps only. During the winter my aquarium temps
get down to 13C (55F).

In the past, I had Potomac sculpin from west-central MD perish when summer
temps reached 24C (75F). The only way I could keep them alive during the
summer was to use a chiller.

Chris Scharpf

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