Re: NANFA-- plains topminnows

Sajjad Lateef (
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 09:39:04 -0500 (CDT)

F. zebrenius? They're not really shy. I don't know about show fish
since I have them in an outdoor tub. They are slowly learning to eat bugs
that drop in and are even taking inch long moths. Mildly aggressive. I
have had a few of the less assertive ones die off, so, I think the
dominant ones do attack the less assertive ones. I moved in some
F. chrysotus from an tank (where the J. floridae was chewing on them) and
now the F. chrysotus are chewing on the F. zebrenius.

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Bob Bock wrote:

> Has anyone on the list ever kept plains topminnows? Are they a nice show
> fish, or do they spend all their time buried in the gravel?
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Sajjad Lateef   email: sajjad <at> 
Chicago, IL     web:

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