Re: NANFA-- lamprey bites
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 23:10:34 EDT

I agree with you on all. I automatically refer to lamprey bites as
"attacks", but I know that they are not always "attacking". If we can get
them out of the great lakes, I'm happy, as long as the native lampreys stay,
I like them too. I wish the sea lamprey wasn't such a pest, as we could look
at them froma different view and understand them better. For now I sure do
hate the sea lamprey (at least when in the great lakes). I saw a very
interesting program on the national georgraphic channel. on sea lampreys.
They interviewed a long-distance swimmer in lake michigan who almost always
gets "attcked" (hehe) by at least one sea lamprey. ___Dan

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