On the other hand, what should a pet owner do when the fish had
outgrown the aquarium ? What had the owners been doing for the
last so many years ?
May be something positive would come out of this Snakehead
fiasco; like a national/state repository or something of that
Asit K. Ghosh
Rockledge, Florida
--- "Nicholas J. Zarlinga" <njz_at_clevelandmetroparks.com> wrote:
> I can tell you that public aquariums would be especially
> appreciative to
> have a place to direct caring hobbyists with large fish they can
> not
> properly house anymore! If you play your cards right, you might
> even have
> aquariums calling you to see what specimens you have. Although
> large fish
> are abundant, they are never around when you want them or even if
> they are
> too larger for a home tank, they still need to do some growing to
> be put
> in with other large fish in larger tanks. I am amazed that no one
> has
> really ever latched on to this idea. It has been discussed many
> times
> before in the public aquarium circles. There are enough people who
> care
> enough for their overgrown pets to drive several hours to give them
> to
> someone who can provide them with a good home.
> Nick Zarlinga
> Aquarium Biologist
> Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
> 216-661-6500 ex 4485
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