--- geoff and julie kimber <gkimber2_at_earthlink.net>
> Unfortunately, I couldn't join you all in Ga
> collecting this weekend - funds
> and time at
> work get in the way sometimes.
> I did load up the family and go to Louisville
> (pronouced 'loo-ah-vul' as
> close to 1 syllable as possible by the locals) this
> weekend for a trip to
> the zoo and floyd's fork park where Steven Ellis and
> I collected last fall.
> Despite the heavy flood waters this spring, the
> place has really not
> changed. There is a nice gravel island with riffles
> upstream and downstream
> along with quiet backwaters. I found a really nice
> complete fossil clam
> (Platystrophia ponderosa)
> My wife (Julie) and I along with Daniel(7 1/2),
> Noah(5 1/2), and Samuel (4)
> spent a couple of hours playing in the water and
> fishing. Julie is pretty
> good with a seine and is able to ID many fish by
> looking at them. She can
> even recognize stonerollers and topminnows in the
> water and does a mean
> 'darter dance' in the riffles.
> We went to Floyd's Fork looking for fish for Noah's
> first grade class fish
> tank. His teacher is pretty science oriented and is
> very interested in a
> native fish tank for the year. My goal is to
> collect interesting fish that
> can be trained to take flake food. I am hoping that
> the kids will learn
> that 'minners' are more than just good bait. My
> target species were f
> notatus, green side darters, and a small school of
> attractive cyprinids. My
> dream fish is southern red belly dace, but rosefin
> shiners are pretty common
> here and are OK. I have kept all these fish
> recently with good results on
> flake food.
> We got to the park and I loaded up all the stuff I
> needed. Being the Dad,
> one of my main duties is pack horse. I got Julie a
> pair of waders this
> spring and she was interested in trying them out.
> Previous collecting trips
> have left her soaking wet in the car, gravel in the
> shoes, with an annoyed
> expression after an hour or so of collecting. I had
> hoped that dry clothes
> and comfy feet would make a difference.
> species list:
> central stone roller
> spotfin shiner
> emerald shiner (I'm pretty sure - if not, then a
> random 'minner')
> common shiner
> rosefin shiner
> fantail darter
> greenside darter
> rainbow darter
> logperch
> ?banded darter (looks like it, but it hides too much
> to be sure)
> hognosed sucker
> longear sunfish (really gorgeous fish!)
> blue gill
> largemouth bass
> fundulus notatus
> a YOY catfish I'm trying to talk myself into
> believing is a madtom, but it
> probably isn't
> All in all, a great afternoon collecting. Julie
> really enjoyed the creek
> and collected quite happily for over 2 hours.
> Daniel had a great time
> swimming in the creek. Samuel did very well and
> fished a lot with Noah.
> Noah was trying to collect with a dipnet with poor
> results. When he took a
> turn at the seine with me, we came up with some
> interesting fish which made
> his day.
> I now have a rather nice school of rosefin shiners
> in the creek tank. The
> males are in breeding colors pretty much whenever
> the day cycle is longer
> than 12 hours. They take on a beautiful
> bluish/purple sheen speckled with
> tiny diamonds. The red fins just add to their
> beauty.
> I also have some nice fundulus notatus and greenside
> darters.
> So while we didn't make it to Ga, we still had a
> good time.
> Next week, we hope to go to the Green river in south
> central KY. It's anice
> river which is supposed to be one of the more
> diverse in the nation. Of
> course, someone dammed it up to make a lake, but
> there is still plenty that
> is in good shape.
> Is anyone willing to share collecting locations
> along the Green River? I am
> especially interested in SRBD, but I am also
> interested in just seeing neat
> stuff. Who knows - I might be able to organize a
> green river trip later
> this year.
> Geoff Kimber
> Lexington, KY
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