In regards to the way you and Casper write, you make me feel as though I am
in the water right there beside y'all (actually, sometimes I am, but thats
beside the point). I strive to be someone who can put my feelings into
words as well as the two of you do. If nothing else, it makes me pay more
attention to my surroundings instead of just what is in my net. The sounds
of the water and birds, trees that overhang the streams, plants along side
the water and even trash seems to take on new meaning. Climbing a fence to
get to the water used to be an obstacle, now its an adventure. I enjoy
reading your reports even on the trips where I have been along with you. It
reminds me how much people take for granted.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roselawn Museum []
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Casper's comments
> Hi All
> I appreciate all of the kind words that came my way since Casper started
> this thread. I've been writing for many years, so I suppose I don't pay a
> lot of attention when people fail to respond. Silence, to me, is not
> criticism. On the other hand, even criticism has feedback value in that I
> know my expressed thoughts have been considered, however briefly.
> Casper and I discussed this some on the trip. I told him that I look at
> writing these trip reports in a whole different light, similar to the work
> of a cartographer. We are leaving behind "roadmaps", if you will, for
> others to follow in pursuit of our hobby. If it serves to further
> knowledge
> about native fishes or aids budding ichthiologists in their fieldwork, it
> takes on a value totally independent of literary consideration.
> With that in mind, I am more gratified to know that I am a useful
> (sometimes) part of the NANFA community than I am that someone enjoys the
> way I write. With the hectic life I lead, my brief time in the field is an
> exquisite treat. If only I could write well enough to articulate how I
> feel
> when I'm in the water and enjoying the life within it, then I'd be a truly
> gifted writer.
> I encourage each of you to share your own accounts, in any style, font,
> grammar, or regional peculiarity you choose. That way, I can tag along on
> YOUR trips as well!
> All The Best,
> Steven A,. Ellis
> Kennesaw, GA
> (a would-be fish scribe)
> ----
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