NANFA-- RE: nanfa V1 #1332

Bob Sinclair (
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 09:20:18 -0700

NANFA Membership Cards


I just read Steve Ellis' excellent report on his recent collecting trip
with "7 fishheads." His reference to the group being questioned by
various uniformed public servants wearing badges bring to mind
something I've been thinking about for a while - especially when
approached out on a stream by someone asking me what I'm

I propose the association print up official NANFA membership cards,
including a Mission Statement (perhaps on the reverse side), etc.

I hope this will be discussed at the upcoming convention, which
unfortunately I am not able to attend. (As retired Chairman/CEO
of Saab Cars USA, Inc., I am more or less obliged to participate in
the annual Saab Owners Club convention, which this year takes
place outside Cincinnati on the very same dates as the NANFA

If such a project is launched, I would be more than happy to make
a contribution toward the costs.

Bob Sinclair
Santa Barbara CA

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