> allocthanous (my $10 word for the week)
Had to look this one up!!
Allochthonous (notice correct spelling): Describing organisms that are
non-native or transient members of a community in a specific habitat. They do
not carry out a metabolic function in that location, and they do no reproduce
and occupy the habitat permanently. The term is most frequently used to
describe bacteria native to one environment (e.g., the human body) that get
transported to a completely different habitat (e.g., a deep ocean) where they
might survive but they cannot perform metabolic functions or colonize.
Compare Autochthonous.
Autochthonous: Describing an organism that is native, or indigenous, to a
locale. The opposite of allochthonous.
Thanks for the cool word Nick!! How about we rename NANFA the North American
Autochthonous Fishes Association??? Then NO ONE would know what we were all
Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
Definitions from: The Dictionary of Environmental Science.
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