Yes, I do agree that it would be difficult for an irresponsible
collector to produce a document which condemns whatever irresponsibility he
or she was doing. However, I also think that it wouldn't matter to someone
who has the nerve (lack of convictions/morals, insert your phrase here) to
disobey any rules and regulations that relate to what they're doing. They
would just look at it as a possible way out if/when someone questions them
about what they are doing.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a good idea. I would love to be
able to carry some of those cards around to hand out to landowners or people
I meet that seem interested. Maybe I will have some of my own made up. I
would just be concerned about possible negative publicity. It takes a whole
lot of good publicity to make people forget about just one negative
incident. I've had the misfortune to be around someone like this and its
not a pleasant experience.
My $0.02 worth....... probably more like $0.61 worth :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Sinclair []
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 5:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: NANFA-- RE: nanfa V1 #1342
> Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 09:30:33 -0400
> From: Chip Rinehart <>
> Subject: RE: NANFA-- membership cards
> I agree with what Todd says. We can't have/don't want just anybody to say
> "I'm doing this because NANFA says I can". While most members follow or
> at
> least try to follow their states rules and regulations, there are a few
> who
> do not and we don't want the image or publicity that this might give us.
> Chip
> ~ ~ ~
> Chip:
> My suggestion was that NANFA membership cards should carry
> the association's Mission Statement, which it seems to me would
> obviate the problem you are addressing. Don't you think it would
> be rather difficult for some irresponsible collector to produce a
> document which condemns whatever irresponsibility he or she was
> up to?
> Bob
> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
> It appears that most BOD members are not in favor of this, plus it's
> an added expense that doesn't really enhance the native experience.
> If you REALLY want a card, do what I did. I printed up a bunch of
> business cards which I keep in my wallet, and which I hand out to
> interested persons. Each card has the following legend on the back:
> "...dedicated to the enjoyment, study, and conservation of the
> continent's native fishes". The front has my title and contact info,
> plus the NANFA website address.
> Good suggestion. If there's no interest in NANFA producing an
> official membership card as suggested, I'll have no difficulty doing
> up my own.
> I'm beginning to regret bringing up the suggestion in the first
> place.
> My interest lies with studying, collecting, and keeping native
> freshwater
> fishes, not in being some kind of "shit disturber." :-(
> Bob
> ---
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