Re: NANFA-- Shark caught in Lake Erie!!
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 19:22:01 EDT
Nick, this isn't April 1, what's really up? I catch sharks of many species on
a regular basis. A sand shark (smooth dogfish, smooth hound, Mustelus canis)
does not bite people, they really don't have the dentition for it. If someone
released it I really doubt it would be able to swim more than a few yards
before going into shock. I've caught a lot of M. canis and never in water
that was less than 99% marine. Also they don't do well in captivity needing a
really large tank and cool water. I'm betting the guy who "caught it" is the
perpetrator. Who ever did it is one sorry individual. Make sure he gets burnt
good for that one. It really boils my blood to think a shark could be
transported that far from the ocean alive and used as a practical joke! I had
an argument with a guy on a fishing pier Sunday night because he was killing
neonatal Atlantic Sharpnose sharks and throwing them back by the dozens. Some
sort of macho bull_at_#$#. I'd love to see the photos when you get them.
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