Re: NANFA-- Petco Sucks

R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 9 Jul 2003 14:16:45 -0500

Yeah, you are right. Sometimes I forget that some people get into aquariums
more for the same reason they have a television or a painting on the wall.
Instead of thinking of it as actually a pet(s) / living animals. Sometimes I
wonder if it would be better if they would get one larger type ( a fish that
can be interacted with) than a community tank. Haveing one fish that reacts
to a person is probably a good first step to getting to the point of fish
are pets and not just a living television set.


From: "Ty Hall" <>

> Sorry Ray, but in reality that only works some of the time. I constantly
advise my
> customers on the best way to set up a tank, only to have them come back in
> couple of weeks and try to get me to fix the problems they are having with
> setup they bought at Walmart/Petco/Insert "Big Boxer" Name Here. My prices
> even that much higher and in the long run you and I both know it's cheaper
to do
> it right the first time. Unfortunately people are always looking to save a
> They buy those cheapo kits at Wally world along with a bag full of fish
> Pacus and Redtailed Cats.) then head home to enjoy their new hobby. If the
> live more then two weeks they come in and want to trade with me for
smaller fish.
> Ty
> "R. W. Wolff" wrote:
> > To play devils advocate-
> >
> <snip>
> >
> > What I think is happening at these stores is they stretch what can work
> > make a sale. It is too bad they do not realize that they can actually
> > increase sales in the long run with correct instruction, and sometimes
> > telling customers something they might not want to here. But, in two
> > later when all the fish they bought are still alive, the water is clear
> > dirt with minimal effort, and possibly some fish have spawned- that
> > will tell people and go back to that store again and again, foregoing
> > cheaper competitors that deal in junk and bunk.
> >
> > Ray
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