Re: NANFA-- wild daphnia - where do you find them? When do you
Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:12:52 EDT

In a message dated 7/17/03 10:28:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Sorry to have not got back to you sooner. I am busier than a one legged
> man in a butt kicking contest. I originally got my start from a vernal
> pool located near White river. It also had fairy shrimp in it, but I
> haven't been able to keep them going. Fairy shrimp are the freshwater
> equivalent to brine shrimp. They even look like brine shrimp. Let me
> know where and when you want to get together and either i show you where
> i got mine or i can give you a start of mine.
At one time I had a fairy shrimp culture, it just started up by it's self in
my daphnia culture. The daphnia culture had been going for years so I know I
didn't put them in by accident. I always figured they came in wind born dust.
For a while (couple of years) everything I had standing water in had fairy
shrimp then they disappeared never to return. I had so many of them I would feed
my fish with them and in tanks with small fish they would live for several
days. they are very quick not like brine shrimp. But they do look like giant brine

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