Re: NANFA-- Ohio July gathering???

Mark B (
Thu, 15 Jun 2000 19:24:21 -0400

At 1:19 PM -0400 6/15/00, Robert Carillio wrote:
>Mark, do you know where they are talking about a trip? Clear Creek is an
>excellent spot not far from you. There are some pretty nice Brindled Madtoms
>there. I hope it is still as diverse as it was, for ODNR stocked Brown Trout

Well, if we join in on CAFE's thing, we will have to go with their plan.
If we do our own thing, we can do whatever. Tony (of CAFE) is planning to
hit Blacklick Creek in Reynoldsburg and maybe something else near there.
They will meet at his house and have a cookout.

Mark Binkley
Columbus Ohio USA <))><

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